Thursday, March 4, 2010

Minneapolis Golf Show

The elves, clover and Guinness that tells you something?

March is already here friends, in February and quickly fled with him Day Pink and cheesiness Candlemas. And who says
March said Saint Patrick, the Irish national holiday , shamrocks, leprechauns and pubs of every kind!

A fect 'nat + beer + of Irish is festive, right? So Nadège blog Prunille puts on a show, and Cook'n Blogs my apple we suggest you play a little game . In addition he great prizes up for grabs!


Our contest entitled: "My food is green, and it is good!
(a competition sponsored by Cook'n Blogs Pyrex)

Principle: cook green in March! to you to create a green recipe, sweet or salty. A recipe that is delicious Of course, the dishes should be green not your guinea pigs.

Entry Deadline: March 22!

prices: the 3 best / most creative entries will allow three of you each win a lot of 4 mini casseroles Pyrex super trends (I had a gift and Design by Suzanne is the has monopolized ;-)).

Option 1 - Post before March 22 on your blog your recipes with photos, and we prevent the publication of the ticket by email (Nadège: creaprovence {at} {dot} en voila ; Babeth: cuisinedebabeth {at} gmail {dot} com ) and / or comments.
Incorporate your tickets the widget (html) as follows:

Who gives:

Note: Replace {at} with @ and {dot} with.

Option 2 - If you do not have a blog you can enter, simply send us an email with your recipe + photo

March 8: Note: You can participate with just an old recipe to re-publish your blog and let us know :-)

The jury Nadège and Babeth , decide within a week after the end of the game!

prices: the 3 best / most creative entries will allow three of you each win a lot of 4 mini casseroles Pyrex super trends (I had a gift and Design by Suzanne is the has monopolized ;-)).


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